
Verifying async logic

DesmanLead opened this issue · 0 comments

It's a common use-case to verify that the method will be called at some moment in the future in a given timeout.
It's possible to implement this using Perform, but another version of Verify (e.g. Expect?) would be really handy.
So the API design might be as follows:

    override func setUp() {
        interactor = MyInteractor()
        interactor.service = mockService

    func testThatInteractorHandlesRefresh() async throws {
        // given
        Given(mockService, .obtainData(...))
        // when
        await interactor.refresh() // calls obtainData asynchronously inside
        // then
        await Expect(mockService, .obtainData(...)) // default timeout
        await Expect(mockService, .obtainData(...), timeout: .seconds(1))

What do you think? It doesn't look hard to implement, so you can just point the right spot to add this.