A bit help with the usage guide
utkarsh-c20y opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi @SketchingDev
I am trying to learn and use your repo with a Twilio's studio flow in flex. For some reason I am not able to connect my Twilio account with the script I am trying to build using ivr tester.
It's a very basic flow and I want to test If I can input some numbers when in IVR but my call never seems to connect and it just ends up being timeout.
Also in your usage guide there is a command which says node test.js
where is that test.js
I assumed that maybe that test.js was a custom file, depends on the script.
So then I tried my own script which is as following:
const { googleSpeechToText } = require("ivr-tester-transcriber-google-speech-to-text");
const ivrTester = require("ivr-tester");
const config = { transcriber: googleSpeechToText({ languageCode: "en-US" }),twilioAuth: {accountSid: "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",authToken:"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"} };
new ivrTester.IvrTester(config).run(
{ from: "YYYYYYYYY", to: "XXXXXXXXXX" },
name: "Hello, Press a button",
steps: [
whenPrompt: ivrTester.similarTo("Hello, Press a button"), // this is what I have in my Twilio Flex's studio flow
then: ivrTester.press("1"),
silenceAfterPrompt: 3000,
timeout: 6000,
whenever I run this script as node script.js
it gives me following timeout error
Timed out: call did not connect after 30s
The server has closed
triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
[UnhandledPromiseRejection: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason "undefined".] {
so maybe I am not setting it up right or I am missing something, If you could guide or help me around it, that would be really great.
I'm getting same issue.. have you started ngrok or directly running through the CLI?
I'm getting same issue.