
Incomplete test

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Finally got around to taking xmldsig out for a spin. Reviewed the source last night. Nice, tight code. Love the interface work.

I was in a hurry this morning when I decided to run the test suite. One tests was "incomplete". (See below). This may be as it should. Sorry I didn't have time to dig into it further but I'm off to work.

Still, I thought you might wanna know so I posted here. Feel free to tell me I'm a half-asleep-noob because I am ;)

Thanks for the code.


jburrell in ~/programming/php/xmldsig on jimslaptop at master - ./vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 4.6.7 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Configuration read from /Users/jburrell/programming/php/xmldsig/phpunit.xml.dist


Time: 104 ms, Memory: 5.75Mb

OK, but incomplete, skipped, or risky tests!
Tests: 10, Assertions: 14, Incomplete: 1.

jburrell in ~/programming/php/xmldsig on jimslaptop at master - ./vendor/bin/phpunit -v
PHPUnit 4.6.7 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Configuration read from /Users/jburrell/programming/php/xmldsig/phpunit.xml.dist


Time: 104 ms, Memory: 5.75Mb

There was 1 incomplete test:

1) FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Adapter\XmlseclibsAdapterTest::testGetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey
PHP OpenSSL extension does not extract public key from private key


OK, but incomplete, skipped, or risky tests!
Tests: 10, Assertions: 14, Incomplete: 1.

jburrell in ~/programming/php/xmldsig on jimslaptop at master - ./vendor/bin/phpunit --debug
PHPUnit 4.6.7 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Configuration read from /Users/jburrell/programming/php/xmldsig/phpunit.xml.dist

Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Adapter\XmlseclibsAdapterTest::testGetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey'.
Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Adapter\XmlseclibsAdapterTest::testGetPublicKeyFromSetter'.
Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Adapter\XmlseclibsAdapterTest::testGetPublicKeyFromNode'.
Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Adapter\XmlseclibsAdapterTest::testSignWithoutPrivateKeys'.
Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Adapter\XmlseclibsAdapterTest::testSign'.
Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Adapter\XmlseclibsAdapterTest::testVerify'.
Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Adapter\XmlseclibsAdapterTest::testManipulatedData'.
Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Adapter\XmlseclibsAdapterTest::testManipulatedSignature'.
Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Soap\SoapClientTest::testNormalSoapMessage'.
Starting test 'FR3D\XmlDSigTest\Soap\SoapClientTest::testSignSoapMessage'.

Time: 104 ms, Memory: 5.75Mb

OK, but incomplete, skipped, or risky tests!
Tests: 10, Assertions: 14, Incomplete: 1.
jburrell in ~/programming/php/xmldsig on jimslaptop at master - 

I know this was a documentation issue in PHP and actually it's a missing feature in the openssl extension

Excellent. Thanks again, Maks.