
usecase about Reference identifier with uppercase

Closed this issue · 3 comments

zogs commented


I found your library useful, but when i tried to validate my signature, i found that its fail cause to a uppercase identifier. I contacted robrichards/xmlseclibs thinking the problem comes from his library but in fact this usecase is taking care of. See his answer here [].
However, its seems not possible to use this solution within your library. Or am i wrong ?

You are right, it's not possible add that paremeter without rewrite the whole method.

This could be easily achieved extracting new XMLSecurityDSig() to a protected method called createXmlSecurityDSig so you can override that method and append any additional setting you need.

Do you want to send a PR with the modifications?

zogs commented

Ok, i will. Maybe later this week.

Released with 2.1