
aggressive-indent-protected-commands does not appear to work

raxod502 opened this issue · 2 comments

This problem manifests itself in aggressive-indent sometimes preventing me from undoing using undo-tree (or indeed vanilla Emacs undo, but that drives me too crazy to deal with even momentarily).

To reproduce the problem, I start with emacs -Q and load both undo-tree and aggressive-indent using Dired L. Then I go into the *scratch* buffer and type the following, with point represented by the |:

(defun example-foo ()
|  )

Then, I type a letter (say f) and quickly press TAB, before aggressive-indent can act automatically. This is very important! The problem only reproduces if you indent manually, instead of letting aggressive-indent do it for you.

Now my undo is broken, because the edit was made in two steps. Whenever I press C-/, the indentation edit is undone, but aggressive-indent immediately fixes the indentation (thus creating a new edit). And now we're back to where we started! So there is no way to undo anymore, unless you use undo-tree-visualize or turn off aggressive-indent-mode temporarily.

Here is my interpretation of the problem: on line 191 of aggressive-indent.el, this-command needs to be changed to last-command. In my testing, this-command is always nil at that point in the code, whereas last-command is the actual command that I typed (such as undo-tree-undo). Making this change resolves the problem.

Thanks for the report and the fix! Indeed, I let this slide when I refactored things a bit.

This issue seems appearing again 👀