
This repository contains UI Designs, Custom UI and other designs, UI and Views with sample apps

Primary LanguageSwift

Examples of UI Designs

##Output of AllControlsTest - Form with TextFields, Radio Buttons and TextBox

all controls

##Output of CustomPopUpExample - Custom Pop Up without any Library

Screenshot 2021-12-23 at 7 11 59 PM

##Output of DownloadImageFrom_URL - Download image from any URL Link

Screenshot 2021-12-23 at 7 11 59 PM-2

##Output of Dreamz_MyNewCar_Task - Example Of CollectionView, API Call and Details Page w.r.t each item

Screenshot 2021-12-23 at 7 05 42 PM

##Output of Dynamic-UserRegistrationForm - Creating form Programatically

Screenshot 2021-12-23 at 7 11 59 PM-3

##Output of FacilityBooking

Facility Booking

##Output of HealthBlogs_Web - Loading URL in WebView/WebKit

Screenshot 2021-12-23 at 7 24 28 PM

##Output of Lazy Loading Images

Lazy Img Loading

##Output of Questionaaries


##Output of Show_Hide_Password-LoginUI - Simple Login UI with Show Hide Password

Show-Hide Password

##Output of Tables - Row and Columns

Tables - Row and Columns