ya# Sloth Booking

Simply way to have self booking system for sports activity

example app: https://sloth-booking.herokuapp.com/

Ruby version

"rails", "~> 7.0.3"


Redis is used for rails turbo-stream. First you need to install redis on you pc https://redis.io/docs/getting-started/installation/, after start redis in your pc.


Heroku db reset and commands

  1. Drop the database, when SHARED_DATABASE_URL is used:

      heroku pg:reset DATABASE
  2. Recreate the database with nothing in it:

      heroku run rake db:migrate
  3. Populate the database with your seed data:

      heroku run rake db:seed
  4. Steps 2 and 3 can be combined into one command by executing this:

      heroku run rake db:setup

How to run the test suite

Usefull commands

heroku logs --tail  
heroku run rails c 

Deployment instructions

heroku run rake db:migrate
git push heroku master

If running 'git push heroku master' generate error try to run di command:

bundle lock --add-platform x86_64-linux

If still not working probably you nedd to remove from Gemfile.lock


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