
what numpy version should i use to run?

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thk for your contribution ! my primary numpy version is 1.26.4, when using nlg-eval ,it throws" AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'."
after i change the numpy version to 1.23.2, it throws another error:AttributeError: module 'numpy.distutils.config' has no attribute 'blas_opt_info', and to solve this error i need a new version numpy ,but using new version will throw the first error, i dont know how to solve

Can you provide a full stack trace for the .bool problem please?

Can you provide a full stack trace for the .bool problem please?

thank u for your response ,i have solved the problem, and i found that to use the package ,the numpy version should be 1.17 or lower, that's becouse the version of Cython and theano doesn't fit the new numpy , i don't know except change the numpy version what else can solve this.