
nlg-eval command not found

achu93 opened this issue · 6 comments

I am running the code on a windows machine. I have executed the "pip install -e ." and all packages have been successfully installed. However when I run the next step, "nlg-eval --setup" it throws an error command not found.


This could be worth looking into but I think people usually use Git Bash when running on Windows. Do you have Git Bash?

The easiest way to get around this on Windows CMD is to run:
python bin\nlg-eval --setup

I was having the same issues. I'm also using windows and pycharm and it seems that the script is located under /venv/Scripts/
In my case, python venv/Scripts/nlg-eval --setup did the trick.

Any other solution for this issue? I tried all the commands posted above but had no success. Really appreciate any help on that.

@eltonsilvamtm can you share the errors you got?

Following this, unfortunately I am having issues as well on my Mac M1, tried first to run the command for multithreading, then the command: pip install git+ however I the error I get is related to gensim, tried to uninstall it and run it the setup commands again but with no luck. Any help is highly appreciated!