
Is it possible to fetch ingress information?

bezelga opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to fetch ingress information using this gem. I am interested in host information in order to fetch url for the services.

Could not find any references to it on the docs or code, I guess because the code treats the resources generically

Thanks in Advance

agrare commented

Hello @bezelga !

Kubeclient dynamically defines methods based on the APIResourceList for the API Group you requested. In the case of Ingresses if we look at the [k8s API reference] we see ingresses are in the group.

kubeclient ='https://your_kubernetes_hostname:6443/apis/', 'v1', options)
[#<Kubeclient::Resource metadata={:name=>"httpd", :namespace=>"manageiq", :uid=>"988479dd-8114-4652-a758-3c3458e95a96", etc...

Hope that helps!

Hi @agrare , that's perfect, thank you!!