
Text translation

Closed this issue · 5 comments

In version 1.4 the application does not always translate text.

This may be due to the lack of connection to the instance.
In the current version, I noticed that the option to set instances has been removed from the application.

It now connects to google translate directly.

Aga-C commented

@ManeraKai Maybe you should use as a translation back-end? Web version seems to work better and more stable than SimplyTranslate.

I should figure out what's wrong in my http requests, I don't wanna use another backend.

There's just one thing that makes it ignore some requests before responding, it's the X-Goog-BatchExecute-Bgr http header. Also here they are having the same problem: Saravananslb/py-googletranslation#27

Thankfully though this is just for the definitions and translations part.