
Case study for #8weekSQLChallenge by Danny Ma at https://8weeksqlchallenge.com

🎯 8 Week SQL Challenge

This repository contains the solution for the 8 case studies in #8WeekSQLChallenge By Danny Ma.

These case-studies are very practical and resembles real world use cases. Starting from ground-up these are some of the best and well thought problems i've come accross. Each case study contains a dataset with a series of questions to practice your SQL skills

I've used PostgreSQL and pgAdmin4 to write these queries.

🏗️ Repo Structure

I've created seprate folders for each week(Case Study) which contains following:

  • Introduction : It contains intro and outlines agenda for the case-study.
  • ERD : Entity Relationship Diagram is the visual representation of schema's structure and relationship between logically related tables.
  • Schema : It contains database objects like tables and data that is needed to perform analysis.
  • Solutions : It contains solutions for the questions in the case-study and it also elaborates on the steps to reach that solution.
  • Learnings : It mentions the concepts grasped in solving the case-study.