
It's not a problem, it's a question!

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I can't English, so I use a translator! I'm sorry if what I'm saying is hard to understand!

I bought the game after hearing that I can play AI shoujo as a female character. But when I played the game, I only had 2 positions! I searched and found a post, They complaining that lesbian sex has so few types that the character should be made Futa...😔(I personally don't like Futa...) I had no choice but to turn my character into Futa and hide Peniss. Only then did several positions add. I couldn't kiss without Peniss!😡 I can't see my character's Peniss, but if my profile says that my character is Futa and I only want to have lesbian sex, but if I don't use Peniss, my girlfriends get sad that they didn't satisfy my character, so it disrupts my immersion... Is there a mod where I can add the option to caress my girlfriends even if I make my character into a girl? Or are there any plans to make it?

And... is there a mode where my character can interact with furniture, like girlfriends, using the shower or eating? Or do you plan on making it? girlfriends Shower and do activities that are necessary for survival, but they can't wash my character, so it looks messy and they don't seem to have any desire...😅

Hello! There are no plans on any new content for this game since most people have long moved on to newer games. I've never tried playing with a non-male MC outside of brief test runs so I can't really help you. You can try asking on the discord server, link is in the game launcher.

Awww... I see... Thank you for your response!