
MaterialEditor for Hair items get reset after character reload

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I noticed a couple of days ago that each time I edit a character through MaterialEditor, the attributes and its values get reset every time I reload the character. I tried to vanillify the game and reinstall the patch, but even after that the issue persisted. Since I figured that this mod is technically a back-up of the original file whilst the original file gets sent to the trash bin that this mod could be the issue of this problem. Sadly it is the problem, since this mod really helps with accidental character card removal. I haven't heard this issue from anyone else yet, so hopefully this is a big help. Thanks in advance if you want to fix this issue!

Edit: Forgot to mention that this problem only occurs for me when editing hair components, so Back, Front, Side and Extensions. This doesn't apply to hair accessories and other accessories

Using v1.2

Wait, are you saying that RemoveToRecycleBin somehow breaks ME? That's extremely unlikely.

Then I don't know what the issue could be. I also discovered that whenever I make a new save of an already existing character that has values changed in MaterialEditor, then the values of the newly saved character get reset while the original stays the same. Do you perhaps know if there is a plugin that could cause this? Posting the output_log in #help doesn't give a hint.

No idea, if the log doesn't give any hints then your best bet is to strip down to most basic plugins and test from there.