
Can't complete the final quest (need a free spot in 2-1 specifically)

Kirbyarm opened this issue · 5 comments

When interacting with the icon in the staff bathroom, Hana in parenthesis warns the players that they need to free a seat in order to continue. I have done so and it still isn't working.

This seems more than likely my other mods allowing me to fill all 4 classrooms with 25 students each (MC + Ai + 98 students). I was hoping to request you could make it play nicely in this case?

I even transferred one of the students that would be in a vanilla available seat, but it still doesn't seem to like that I have 97 students registered.

Thanks for your mod, I really love it!

Post your output_log.txt file from game directory after loading that save file.

Alright, will do in a moment. From the root directory, yes? I think this is it.


Did you try removing two NPCs? Try taking two out of the MCs class. Also try saving after taking one out and loading. I can't reproduce the issue, so the more you can narrow it down the higher the chance I can fix it.

I only removed the one student at that point.

I had removed a student from one of the top row seats in 3-1 actually. Let me move a 2-1 student over there instead and try that first, see if I get some more information for us about this.

Aha, that seemed to be the issue. No idea it had to be a free seat in class 2-1. Many thanks for the help!

Now I need to figure your Orthographic Camera issue..

It should work in any class, so it looks like a bug.