
Manta Pacific sync failure

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Hi all,

Apologies if this is not the correct repo, but it seems there is no official repo for this chain.

I am a dev on Manta Pacific and have been having sync issues recently, perhaps related to the latest ethereum hardfork.

WARN [04-15|11:00:49.732] Derivation process temporary error attempts=23387 err="temp: failed to fetch receipts of L1 block 0x92d191c33229bf530e0a74913d604dc7c7f8d6dfd5d73f90e76f7a2e5d19c263:19426588 for L1 sysCfg update: transaction type not supported

I am using the official docker client as referenced in the documentation:, and have reset chain-data 3 times. It always fails to sync.

Is there an update to op-node from the Manta team?