
Accent Colorization doesn't work properly until settings or color update

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
Reinjecting DWMBlurGlass (by reinstalling from the GUI, restarting the computer, or restarting DWM) with the "Use Accent color to override color settings RGB" option enabled doesn't color the titlebars properly (uses blue instead of current accent color)

To Reproduce

  1. (optional) Restore DWMBlurGlass to the default settings
  2. Enable "Use Accent color to override color settings RGB" under the Advanced tab
  3. Restart DWM from Task Manager or reinstall DWMBlurGlass
  4. Observe the incorrect titlebar colors
  5. Do either of the following to fix the titlebar color:
    a. Change any other setting in the GUI and click the save icon
    b. Change the accent color

Before settings change: (DWM was restarted after I saved the settings)

After settings change:

Additional information
OS Version : Windows 10 22H2.19045.4170
Software Version : 2.2.0

What other third-party software do you use:
None (tested on a basic Windows 10 setup)

Can confirm

Can confirm this too! It happens when rebooting aswell.

I don't believe I've encountered this specific issue on Windows 11 (23H2) (edit: nvm, it just happened to me), but locking the computer makes the colors change to default blue for me in the StartAllBack taskbar, but not for the titlebars or Start menu. This only happens while using the "Override AccentBlur effect" option.

Also, not sure if this stems from the same issue or if I should create a separate bug report, but I'm also having this problem where the window borders don't sync with the actual title bar backdrop color after changing the accent color while DWMBlurGlass is running.
