
Dark mode styles

Malvoz opened this issue · 0 comments

Some people prefer dark mode. IIRC Amelia added dark mode styles to And web-map-docs has dark mode styles from Docusaurus. We should add dark mode styles to other repos.

  • Dark mode styles for specs that use ReSpec (UCR and MapML):
    W3C recently deployed dark mode styles. But I think we should wait for ReSpec to integrate them because adding them manually seem to cause a flash of dark mode styles for light mode users.

  • Dark mode styles for other reports and repos (UCR-MapML-Matrix, Experiments, Web-Map-Custom-Element):
    Add a small custom style sheet with basic styles such as background, text- and link color (perhaps based on the W3C dark mode styles). It can probably be a shared style sheet hosted from (i.e. And if needed we can add/override styles in any particular repo (e.g. tables in UCR-MapML-Matrix).