
a new error encountered

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I encountered an error when run deconvolution:

Error in nnls::nnls(A = W, b = count_mtrx[, i]): NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 5)

  1. spotlight_deconvolution(se_sc = qin, counts_spatial = st_data[[1]]@assays$Spatial@counts[,
    . 1:2], clust_vr = "majorCluster", cluster_markers = cell_type_markers,
    . cl_n = 10, hvg = 300, ntop = NULL, transf = "uv", method = "nsNMF",
    . min_cont = 0)
  2. mixture_deconvolution_nmf(nmf_mod = nmf_mod_ls[[1]], mixture_transcriptome = counts_spatial,
    . transf = transf, reference_profiles = ct_topic_profiles,
    . min_cont = min_cont)
  3. predict_spatial_mixtures_nmf(nmf_mod = nmf_mod, mixture_transcriptome = mixture_transcriptome,
    . transf = transf)
  4. nnls::nnls(A = W, b = count_mtrx[, i])

No idea why this happened.

Hope get some help, thanks!

Hi @sengao86 ,
I see you have closed this issue, hope you were able to solve the error!
Please let me know if you need any additional assistance,

Hi @MarcElosua MarcElosua,

Yes the problem solved. Thanks!