
Demonstrate how to secure Spring Boot applications using Json Web Token.

Primary LanguageJava

#Json Web Token demonstration


Demonstrate how to secure enterprise applications (REST-api, no UI apps) using Json Web Token using symmetrical and asymmetrical keys. Typically, in the enterprise world, end-users do not decide about what they can or cannot do, i.e. their roles. Instead, end-users are centrally managed by an identity provider along with their roles (in case of RBAC - role based access control). This project demonstrate how we can secure traditional enterprise applications using JWT.

Enterprise Authorization scenarios

There are 3 authorization scenarios we can encounter in enterprise-like applications. But before we talk about authorization we should first talk about authentication which is outside of JWT discussion but it deserves bringing to our attention. There must be a login service where our users authenticate (by presenting their credentials like username/password) and they get back a JWT token. The JWT token encapsulates who this user is and what this user is entitled to do, i.e. roles, claims, whatever we want to call it. Clarification: For demonstration purposes, we have provided an application called token-service which issues tokens, the same tokens that a login service would issue upon a successful authentication. Our token-service does not authenticate users, it directly issue digitally signed tokens.

Once the user has a JWT token, the user can access applications secured with JWT. We are now going to see 3 typical authorization scenarios.

First scenario is where the client (AnyRestClient) sends a request to an application which requires the user to have a given role.

    <AnyRestClient> ----http(with client_JWT)---> Gateway (requires ADMIN role)

In this scenario, the gateway authorizes requests based on the client's role found in the client's token.

The second scenario is where the client (AnyRestClient) sends a request whose purpose is to access/manipulate a client's resource, e.g. its account, its messages, etc. The client's resources are served by a downstream service called resource-service. But the client does not directly interact with the resource-service but via a gateway app.

    <AnyRestClient> ----http(with client_JWT)---> Gateway --http(with client_JWT)------> resource-service

In this scenario, the resource-service authorizes requests based on the client's JWT because it has the roles used by the resource-service to decide whether it accepts the request. e.g. resource.read or resource.write.

And the third scenario is where the client sends a request and the gateway application needs to call a downstream infrastructure service, e.g. a notification service, a cache service, etc. This scenario does not necessarily need to be triggered by a client's action, it can also be triggered by other type of events like a time event or a message arrival event.

    <AnyRestClient> ---http(with client_JWT)---> Gateway ---http(with gateway_JWT)----> backend-service (triggered by user)
                                                 Gateway ---http(with gateway_JWT)----> backend-service (triggered by other event)

In this scenario, the backend-service does not serve any client's resource hence it does not really need a client's JWT. Instead, it expects a JWT token which has aud = backend-service.

In this demonstration project we are leveraging 2 authorization methods. One is the traditional role-based authorization which compares the user's roles contained within a JWT Token with the roles expected by the application. The second method is based on the JWT Specification which relies on the aud claim :

aud: ... The principal intended to process the JWT MUST be identified with the value of the audience claim. If the principal processing the claim does not identify itself with the identifier in the aud claim value then the JWT MUST be rejected.

Authorization scenarios demonstration

Our rest client (curl, Postman, or whatever you prefer) talks to the Gateway which runs on port 8080. This application expects all requests to provide, at least, a signed JWT token (a.k.a. JWS) with at least these 2 claims: sub the Subject and aud the Audience which must match the name of our gateway application (i.e. gateway).

This demonstration project supports both, symmetrical and asymmetrical keys. The token-service is capable of issuing JWT tokens signed using both type of keys. The applications gateway, resource-service and backend-service are also configured to support both types of signatures. We can select which type of signature we want to use by activating the right Spring profile. It has 2 profiles: symmetrical and asymmetrical, being the former the default one. The signing key is configured in application.yml#jwt.key property. If the key is symmetrical, all applications including the token-service must use the same key. If the key is asymmetrical, the token-service uses the private key (found in the private.key file) and the applications use the public key (found in the file public.key).

In the following sections we are going to generate tokens (via the token-service) to test various scenarios. If the applications are running with the symmetrical profile remember to take the symmetrical key from one of the application.yml#jwt.key property. In the contrary, if you are testing with the asymmetrical profile use the private.key file. For further details, check out the section JWT Token Service

We have provided a script, start.sh, that launches all 4 applications. By default, it will launch them with the symmetrical profile. To launch with the asymmetrical do: ./start.sh asymmetrical.

Scenario 1. Non-authenticated request should get back a 401 status code.

Our first scenario attempts to access our gateway application without any tokens.

Launch the gateway application (if you have already executed the script start.sh it is already running on port 8080) and try this request.

curl localhost:8080


{"timestamp":1481534933500,"status":401,"error":"Unauthorized","message":"Authentication Failed: JWT token not found","path":"/"}

Scenario 2. Authenticated request with both, aud and sub claims, and signed with the same key as configured in the application.yml should get back a 200 status code and a greeting message.

In order to access the gateway, we need to have a valid token. Let's launch token-service. This service exposes one simple rest endpoint which takes one request parameter which is the key we want to use to sign the token. We are going to copy into the clipboard the symmetrical key configured in our gateway app (application.yml#jwt.key).


Next we are going to submit the following request to jwt-token-service. See that we are declaring 2 claims, aud and sub.

token=`curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F claims='{ "aud":"gateway", "sub":"bob" }' -F symkey=$symkey localhost:8081/token`

And finally, we are going to submit a request to the gateway using the token we just obtained.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" localhost:8080


hello bob

Scenario 3. Invalid signatures should get back 401 status code.

Let's try an invalid signature. Simply change the last character of the token.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJnYXRld2F5Iiwic3ViIjoiYm9iIn0.-UDM8eThnUL_0rDZcGbmjMTjHUOIJx9R1q" localhost:8080


{"timestamp":1481535342194,"status":401,"error":"Unauthorized","message":"Authentication Failed: JWT signature does not match locally computed signature. JWT validity cannot be asserted and should not be trusted.","path":"/"}

Scenario 4. JWT without a matching audience should get back 401 status code.

The gateway expects a token whose aud claim matches its name, gateway. What happens if we send a token which has a different audience.

Request token with aud: other

token=`curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F claims='{ "aud":"other", "sub":"bob" }' -F symkey=$symkey localhost:8081/token`

Send request to gateway:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" localhost:8080


{"timestamp":1481535529491,"status":401,"error":"Unauthorized","message":"Authentication Failed: Expected aud claim to be: gateway, but was: other.","path":"/"}

Scenario 5. Role-based Authorization

So far we have reached endpoints which does not require further checks besides the aud. But the gateway exposes another endpoint, /admin which requires the user to have the ADMIN role. This role is contained in an agreed JWT claim. The name of this claim is configurable (application.yml#jwt.claimName) by default the name is roles (comma-separated values).

Let's try first sending a request which has no roles ($token variable created in the previous scenario).

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" localhost:8080/admin


{"timestamp":1481537257128,"status":403,"error":"Forbidden","exception":"org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException","message":"Access is denied","path":"/admin"}

Now, let's request a token with roles: ADMIN.

token=`curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F claims='{ "aud":"gateway", "sub":"bob", "roles": "ADMIN" }' -F symkey=$symkey localhost:8081/token`

Send /admin request to the gateway app:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" localhost:8080/admin

Scenario 6. Securing downstream client resource (e.g. a service that deals with user's information)

The gateway endpoints we have seen so far do not delegate to other endpoints. In this scenario, the client is sending a request which either access or manipulates its own resource, say its account, or its messages, etc. The client's resource are served by another service called resource-service. The resource-service is our downstream service that the gateway will call.

The flow is as follows:

 <RestClient> ---/resource(with client_JWT)---> Gateway ---/resource(with client_JWT)----> resource-service

The resource-service exposes one endpoint /resource and 2 operations, GET and POST. The former requires the role resource.read and the latter resource.write. If our RestClient has the role resource.read it will be allowed to do a GET on /resource. Likewise, the role resource.write will allow to do a PUT on /resource.

Lets create a token for our user Bob with the roles ADMIN,resource.read:

token=`curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F claims='{ "aud":"gateway", "sub":"bob", "roles": "ADMIN,resource.read" }' -F symkey=$symkey localhost:8081/token`

Let's launch the resource-service first. Now we send a GET request:

curl  -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" localhost:8080/resource

It should succeed (it returns nothing).

But if we send a POST request, it should fail because our user hasn't got yet the resource.write role.

curl -X POST -d '' -H  "Authorization: Bearer $token" localhost:8080/resource


{"timestamp":1481543136869,"status":403,"error":"Forbidden","exception":"org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException","message":"No message available","path":"/backend"}

Scenario 7. Securing Service-to-Service calls where the downstream service is a not a client resource (e.g. an infrastructure service)

In the previous scenario, the gateway called a downstream service which served clients' resources. But there are other scenarios where our gateway application needs to call infrastructure services, i.e. services which does not server clients' resources. backend-service is our downstream service that the gateway will call. This service requires the caller to pass a JWT with the aud claim equal to backend.

The flow is as follows:

 <RestClient> ---/backend(with client_JWT)---> Gateway ---/(with gateway_JWT)----> backend-service

See how the gateway does not send the client's token to the backend-service. Instead it uses the token that authorizes it to talk to the backend-service.

gateway is already configured with a valid token. Check out application.yml#backend.key property.

Lets launch first the backend-service and then send a /backend request to the gateway. See that we can use any of the valid JWT we used in the previous sections.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" localhost:8080/backend

Json Web Token service (jwt-token-service)

Rest service that issues JWT tokens to facilitate testing.

Generate a symmetrical key

symkey=`curl localhost:8081/key`

Generate token using symmetrical key

Assuming we have executed the previous command, we have the symmetrical key in the variable symkey.

token=`curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F claims='{"aud":"gateway", "sub":"bob" }' -F symkey=$symkey localhost:8081/token`

Verify token signed using a symmetrical key

Assuming you have executed the previous command, we have the token in the variable token and the symmetrical key in the variable symkey.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F symkey=$symkey -F token=$token localhost:8081/verify



Generate token using asymmetrical key (RSA)

First we need to generate a public/private key-pair. The following commands will produce 2 files: private.key and public.key that will use to sign and verify the JWT.

openssl req  -nodes -new -x509  -keyout server.key -out server.cert
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in server.key -out private.key
openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in server.cert > public.key

Note: Java's PKCS8EncodedKeySpec class only understands PKCS8 format. OpenSSL generates the private key in a different format.

Now we generate a token and we digitally sign it using the private.key file.

token=`curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F claims='{"aud":"gateway", "sub":"bob" }' -F asymkey=@private.key localhost:8081/token`

Verify token signed using asymmetrical key (RSA)

Assuming you have executed the previous command, we have the token in the variable token and the public key in the public.key file.

curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F asymkey=@public.key -F token=$key localhost:8081/verify



Deploy to Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Secure applications in PCF using symmetrically signed tokens

So far we have been running the applications locally. Now we are going to deploy them, including the token-service to Pivotal Cloud Foundry. We have provided a script, deploy.sh, that generates a symmetrical key, configures the applications to use that symmetrical key and push the apps all in one go. Before calling deploy.sh you must have a previously logged into CF (e.g. cf login <targetURL>).

To facilitate testing, we have provided a script, generateTokens.sh, that generates different tokens that we can use to test the authorization scenarios described earlier. Once you execute the script, you can use them like this:

. ./generateTokens.sh
gateway=`cf app gateway | grep urls | awk '{print $2}'`
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $symGatewayBob" http://$gateway

Secure applications in PCF using asymmetrically signed tokens

So far you have tried various requests against the gateway running in PCF and secured using symmetrically signed tokens. Now we are going to reconfigure those applications to use an asymmetrical key instead. To do so, invoke the following script setAsymKeysAndRestage.sh. This script assumes you have executed the deploy.sh script.

setAsymKeyAndRestage.sh will use the key pair found in the files private.key and public.key.

Step by step:

  1. execute deploy.sh if you have not already done it
  2. execute setAsymKeyAndRestage.sh
  3. curl gateway.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io should fail with 401 Unathorized (assuming your gateway is running under gateway.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io)
  4. tokenService=token-service.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io (assuming your token-service application is running under token-service.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io)
  5. request a token
token=`curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F claims='{"aud":"gateway", "sub":"bob" }' -F asymkey=@private.key $tokenService/token`
  1. curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" gateway.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io should suceed this time

Provisioning Credentials using Environment variables

There are several ways we can use to provision credentials to an application in PCF. One way is to provide them via environment variables. This is the approached we have followed in this project. We declare the jwt.key property as an environment variable in the manifest.yml (see below).

  JWT_KEY: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJnYXRld2F5Iiwic3ViIjoiYm9iIn0.unA8iC8Dea5F3aw8EO8QSEuIxiarDH8CRsq0AAAAV87BxMASnawDGjVjzg1p1yUNcQJ8U_q8sQ_InhAFdICwe10Fzc6QAAp1XzKcxSnWsaGshlupjeSdtoIAY_OcsU1JMMnpSvmwjJCR87snT1zp3Hi9je04fL_J-u2q1YqeXEw

(Spring Boot mapS JWT_KEY into jwt.key)

Provisioning Credentials using User Provided Service

Another way to provision credentials is via User Provided Services. This way allows us to separate the act of provisioning credentials from the act of pushing the application.

Limitations and further improvements

As we already know, tokens are validated by matching the aud claim against the ID of the application which is validating the token. This means that a token can only be used to access one application/resource. What about if we could issue a token that grants access to several applications? For instance, aud: "backend-service, resource-service" grants access to backend-service and resource-service apps. Or even better use wildcard domains, aud: "resource-service, infra." grants access to the resource-service app and also to all the applications that match the expression infra.* for instance, infra.cache-service or infra.file-service. To make this possible we would have to change the JWTTokenValidator class.

Applications are statically configured with a key. If the key were compromised, we would have to issue new tokens with a brand new key and reset the new key in all our applications. Let's briefly describe how we could improve our application. Let's say we are using asymmetrical keys to sign the tokens. Our applications could download from token-service the public key every so often. As soon as the token service changed its private key, all applications would automatically detect the new public key.

Furthermore, we have statically configured the gateway application with the token it needs to access the backend-service. Ideally, tokens should be short-lived and applications should renew/refresh their tokens. In other words, applications which have assigned tokens, like the gateway application, should request a new token from the token-service either when the token is about to expire or when it detects the token-service has changed the signing key.