
$ git clone
$ git clone

Step 04_install_built_artifact

Set up infrastucture

Assuming Docker is running in your machine run the following commands:

cd maven-concourse-pipeline
nohup docker-compose up &

Set pipeline

Login to Concourse and set the pipeline

fly -t plan1 login -c -u concourse -p changeme
fly -t plan1 sp -p 04_install_built_artifact -c ../maven-concourse-pipeline/pipeline.yml -l credentials.yml

Trigger pipeline

We manually trigger it or via a commit, lets try to make a small change to our application and push that change.

Step 20_deploy_and_verify

We create an orphan branch where we are going to keep the acceptance tests, we could have dedicated a separate repository.

git checkout --orphan acceptance-test
git rm --cached -r .
rm -rf *
rm .gitignore .gitmodules
git add .
git commit -m "new branch"
git push origin acceptance-test

And we clone it onto a separate folder because we want to create in the source code and in the acceptance tests at the same time.

git clone -b acceptance-test maven-concourse-pipeline-app1-test

Step 40_provision_infra_with_terraform

We create an orphan branch where we are going to keep the terraform definitions for one environments. We start with the dev environment.

git checkout --orphan terraform-dev
git rm --cached -r .
rm -rf *
rm .gitignore .gitmodules
git add .
git commit -m "new branch"
git push origin terraform-dev

We add the following terraform files:

Terraform settings We configure the backend for the remote state in the file

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "maven-concourse-pipeline"
    key = "test"

CF Provider We configure the cf provider to interact with Cloud Foundry in the file

provider "cf" {
    api_url = "${var.CF_API_URL}"
    user = "${var.CF_ADMIN_USER}"
    password = "${var.CF_ADMIN_PASSWORD}"
    uaa_client_id = "${var.CF_UAA_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID}"
    uaa_client_secret = "${var.CF_UAA_ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET}"
    skip_ssl_validation = "${var.CF_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION}"

vars The cf provider expects a number of variables that we need to set up in the file

variable "CF_API_URL" {}
variable "CF_ADMIN_USER" {}
variable "CF_ADMIN_PASSWORD" {}
variable "CF_UAA_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID" {}

# S3 remote state
variable "S3_BUCKET" {}
variable "S3_KEY" {}

CF organizations/spaces We locate some Cloud Foundry resources (thru terraform datasources) that we will need to use later on. We declare these datasources in file.

data "cf_org" "pcfdev-org" {
    name = "pcfdev-org"

data "cf_space" "pcfdev-space" {
    name = "pcfdev-space"
    org = "${}"

output "domain_id" {
  value = "${}"

output "space_id" {
  value = "${}"

Provision a User Provided Service to redirect the logs to a syslog drainer

We will use an externally provisioned syslog drainer. See the instructions below:

  1. Sign up for a free Papertrail account:
  2. Follow the instructions to set up Papertrail:
  3. Record the URL with port that is displayed after creating the system.
  4. Edit file and add the following terraform resource: