
Error type in composed struct

Opened this issue · 1 comments


First of all, I want to thank you for your work, I really love ❤️ this project, I've been waiting for a tool like this (sourcery+plantuml) for quite a long time!

Next, I've found a problem that I don't if it's a bug or I'm missing something.

I've two files:

public struct Container: Codable {

    public var url: String
    public var headers: ContainerHeaders?

    public init(url: String, headers: ContainerHeaders? = nil) {
        self.url = url

        self.headers = headers

    public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case url
        case headers
public struct ContainerHeaders: Codable {

    public var name: String
    public var value: String

    public init(name: String, value: String) { = name
        self.value = value

With those, I try to generate a diagram using this command

swiftplantuml classdiagram  Container.swift ContainerHeaders.swift --sdk $(xcrun --show-sdk-path -sdk macosx) --output consoleOnly

Which results in an error, as it can bee seen in the output given:

hide empty members
skinparam shadowing false

class "Container" as Container << (S, SkyBlue) struct >> {
  +url : String
  +headers : <<error type>>
class "ContainerHeaders" as ContainerHeaders << (S, SkyBlue) struct >> {
  +name : String
  +value : String
Container --|> Codable : inherits
ContainerHeaders --|> Codable : inherits


So, is this a bug or do I miss something?

Hi @kikeenrique ,

if you omit -sdk option then it's working for given example.

Hence, using swiftplantuml classdiagram Container.swift ContainerHeaders.swift --output consoleOnly will result in

hide empty members
skinparam shadowing false

class "Container" as Container << (S, SkyBlue) struct >> {
  +url : String
  +headers : ContainerHeaders?
class "ContainerHeaders" as ContainerHeaders << (S, SkyBlue) struct >> {
  +name : String
  +value : String
Codable <|-- Container : inherits
Codable <|-- ContainerHeaders : inherits


and in this example no type inference support is needed (which is the purpose of using --sdk).

Yes, this is a bug but I haven't checked yet how easy it is to fix it (might be bubbling up from SourceKitten). As I am working on replacing SourceKitten with SwiftSyntaxt (the goal is to support type inference without the --sdk option) I will not immediately fix the issue for the current (SourceKitten-based) version of SwiftPlantUML