
Mob net - Can't pickup villagers, and issues with placement location of other mobs

shikyo13 opened this issue · 2 comments

Fabric Server Version: , vanillautomated-1.0.4 .

  1. When trying to pickup villagers you just open the GUI instead.

Expected behavior: Pick up the villager

  1. When trying to place a mob against (not on top) a block it is placed on random adjacent block or inside a wall and suffocates.
    Example: trying to place a cow in a 1x1 hole on top of a hopper results in the cow suffocating inside the walls instead.

Expected behavior: mob is placed centered on the targeted block, or centered in the air if placed against a vertical face to drop down.

Fabric Server Version: , vanillautomated-1.0.4 .

When trying to pickup villagers you just open the GUI instead.

Expected behavior: Pick up the villager

When trying to place a mob against (not on top) a block it is placed on random adjacent block or inside a wall and suffocates.
Example: trying to place a cow in a 1x1 hole on top of a hopper results in the cow suffocating inside the walls instead.

Expected behavior: mob is placed centered on the targeted block, or centered in the air if placed against a vertical face to drop down.

Thanks for reporting these! Both of them are fixed in the upcoming update that will come sometime today :D

Fixed in 1.1.0