
Problem with svm.classes

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I tried running the code in jupyter notebook. It gave me an error saying no module found 'sklearn.svm.classes'
In other environments such as google colab and VSCode, I solved this error by downgrading scikit-learn version to 0.21.1.
But I am unable to install previous versions of scikit-learn in jupyter notebook.
Is downgrading the only option? or is there any way out?
Can I build the code from scratch?
I am attaching my environment for your reference.

Please help me solve this issue @MarcusOlivecrona

The issue has been solved.

To solve this issue, I downloaded the previous version of torch, i.e, torch==0.21.1 by using the wheel file scikit_learn-0.21.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl for python 3.6 version which is available at