
RFE: when saving an opening hours template, allow a value for the `Key` field to match `*:conditional` tags

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Vespucci Version


Download source

F-Droid repository, via stock F-Droid app.

Device (Manufacturer and Model)

Samsung Galaxy A40 (SM-A405FN)

Android Version

v10 (API v29), stock Samsung distribution (patch level 2020-09-01).


See Parade parking for an example.

The problem I encountered was that the relevant opening hours for which I wanted to save a template were for access:conditional (daytime is public parking, at night it's permit-only residents parking), and therefore none of the existing values (for Key) were applicable.

I was reluctant to set “Key: All” since it would then be listed every time in much more common cases (rather than this rare one). I greatly value the filtering which Vespucci enables for OH templates, which enhances usability significantly.

Another example would be La Colomberie for which motor_vehicle:conditional was needed to specify when deliveries where permitted (ordinarily it's a pedestrians-only zone).

Unless, of course, this is what the “Object” field is for, but the documentation made no mention of this field.

Expected Behaviour

Being able to save a scoped template for each OH syntax use-scenario, in order that the ‘only show relevant templates’ filtering can be effective in minimising noise.

How to recreate

Attempt to save as an OH template any *:conditional involving opening hours syntax.

Crash dump submitted

No (didn't crash).

Any other potentially relevant information

Not that I can think of 🙂.

Note any work on this will be in simonpoole/OpeningHoursFragment#51

Support added in d731dd0

Note as a workaround till this is actually available you can load templates from a file and have whatever key values you want in it. This will cause a warning in the UI that can be ignored, and doesn't have wild card support which would make it a bit cumbersome.