
Enhancement - Player stats

rawbyne opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there,

on the public site, users are able to see kill rates and so on. It would be great appreciate players, which make teamplay and not just kills. So as example: Players, which build most garrisons, destroyed garrisons, outposts and so on (or just buildings in general). Best supplier, best officer or such statistics.

Also if available - which player got the most promoted player.

What do you meen about it?

This is again something we would like to do if it were possible, but unfortunately the game does not disclose any of this information.

As a side note, while theoretically we can retrieve Combat, Offense, Defense and Support score, including it in the statistics is (currently) out of scope. If you want a scoreboard that integrates these scores, have a look at HLL Log Utilities.