
Dark Theme on

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Overview no longer has dark mode styles.

I tested on a couple browsers on a couple devices and made sure dark mode was enabled at the OS level but the search page stays on a light theme. I'd love for dark mode to return; perhaps it was removed by accident.

Additional Info

It's been quite a bit of time since I first noticed dark theme was missing, maybe a month or more. I'm only just getting around to making an issue.

Dark mode appears to work on other pages (at least when I toggle my color preferences at the OS level.

Could maybe be its own issue, but the first time I noticed dark theme was missing I also noticed that the search page is quite a bit narrower. It seems like it used to span the full page width or quite close to it. I was a fan of the wider search page, although I suppose this comes down to personal preference.

Yeah I temporarily axed the dark mode when redesigning the search page. Plan is to bring it back sometime, but I felt like I had my fill of CSS for the moment so it's a website for those with sunglasses for a while ;-) I hope to bring it back though.

Thanks for the feedback.

Seems like this can be closed now.

Closed by #94