
Error checking Histograms, you may not have the correct permissions

comm9200 opened this issue · 2 comments

I keep getting the following error, but I’m not sure what the cause is:

“ MariaDB Histograms
Error checking Histograms, you may not have the correct permissions
To work with histograms vou will need permissions to the "mvsal.*" tables in vour database with vour actual user.
Histograms assist the MariaDB optimizer in making better decisions on how to execute a query to rerieve data. For WordPress this can mean up to a 30x performance improvement.
Read more about MariaDB Histograms.”

The error shows the I need to give the Actual User permissions to the mysql.* tables. I don’t understand what this means.

Is the actual use the Wordpress database login and what permissions are needed?

On the MariaDB side, the database user that WordPress is using requires access to read and write to the tables in the mysql database. This is where things like privileges are kept. Specifically the mysql.column_stats, mysql.index_stats and mysql.table_stats. These tables are where the histograms data is kept when generated.

If your database user does not have access to these tables the plugin cannot do the check or apply histograms with a push button. But using the blog post in the link it provided you should be able to do it manually to all the WordPress tables in phpMyAdmin or whatever you use to access the database tables as an administrator.

I hope this helps explain it better. Let me know if you need any more information on any part of it.