This repository contains a Web App build with HTML, CSS and Angular at Skylab Coders Academy Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp.
Eat Out! use the Foursquare API to search for a restaurant or a type of restaurant in a specific city. All results will be shown indicating the name of the restaurant, the address and the type of restaurant to which it belongs.
This is a set of directives and services for AngularJS 1.6.1
The following dependencies where use to make the Web application
AngularJS 1.6.1
AngularJS route 1.6.1
ngMap | AngularJS directives for google maps
To run the map from google you need to request an API key in the next link: Google Maps API, then you need to add it into the your index.html file in a script tag. (Reference line 29 from index.html you add ?key=<%GOOGLE-API%>, where you need to replace <%GOOGLE-API%> with your Api-key )