
An option to turn off nullable union field spec?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I wish there was some kind of toggle for nullable fields. I don't need "null | " scattered throughout my definitions and an option to not generate that would be great.

I believe it would be nice in both the extension and the lib to have a config something like "nullableAsOptional" which would leave nullable types as optional. Currently I dont have a lot of time but I'll keep this on my todo list and update this with any news. If any one wants to have a shot at this you can create a pull request.

Since I was already doing null types as optional, when null is the only expected type. Example

{ field: null } 
// converts to 
interface RootObject {
  field?: any;

I decided things like this should work in similar manner:

  { field: null },
  { field: 42 } 
// should convert to 
interface RootObject {
  field?: number;
// and not (current version)
interface RootObject {
  field: null | number;

solved with 298f00b closing the issue