DHBW Ultimate is a LaTEX template for writing writing papers or reports within the style guidelines from the DHBW Stuttgart (computer science). It has an makefile which fully controls all features.
- Render LaTEX with title page, contents, abstract, declaration, bibliography, list of Tables/Figures, acronyms and glossary
- Version control with backup system
- Difference PDF to last version
- Renders automatically a print and screen Version. The screen version has highlited and working hyperlinks to urls, refs, etc.
- Rename the dhbw-ultimate.tex file into your favorite file name (this won't the document name or title of your work).
- Change the DOCUMENT_NAME variable in the makefile to the chosen file name (without .tex).
- Run \make init.
- Change the Logo in the images to your company's logo.
- Include own Frameworks in ownFrameworks.tex
- Now you can create new files in Content/, edit the information in the main tex-file and start to work on your paper.
\make init Initialize environment (saves first version to have a difference to the next version)
\make open Opens Main .tex, all contents/.tex, literatur.bib and header.tex in gedit
\make all Generated PDF in /output, deletes all temporary files and opens PDF
\make clean Deletes output
\make version Backup your work, build PDF with differences to the last version
\make differ Builds PDF with differences to the last version
\make cleanup Deletes all generated files (Recommended if errors occurred while \make all)
Currently supported systems:
- Linux
- Chrrel for providing the base for the print/screen version.
BASED ON DHBW-HORB's template from 2011