
The new ActionHero website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


This is a React Project utilizing next.js and react-bootstrap

  • npm install

Running in Development

  • npm run dev

Building for Production

  • npm run build
  • npm run serve

The master branch of this repository is automatically deployed by Travis.ci on a successful test run to www.actionherojs.com.


We use standard.js to manage our lint rules. We run standard as part of our test suite, and your contributions must pass. Standard is very opinionated and inflexible such that we cannot inject our own opinions. There are no eslint/jshint files to manage in this project.


  • we use a default boostrap CSS file
  • all components provide thier own CSS inline


Homepage Design

  • button click states (coming soon)
    • buttons should have no hover state (undeline)
  • button link text should be white
  • remove 'latest release; no italics' (roboto 300 weight)
    • have more equal padding on top and bottom (30px)
  • spacing between header and 'section tagline' should be 40px
    • check font heading size
    • section heading max-width should be 480px
  • bring back the blue grid lines
  • company logos need more padding, and to be centered properly; padding isn't maintinaed
  • solutions: titles should have top and bottom spacing symetric (50px)
  • footer: 3 cols, 50px margin from the right?