Get AI snippets from Farcaster casts! Works with text, images, or frames! Using new GPT-4 Turbo with Vision.
Install on Warpcaster using the frame: Warpcaster
- Analysis of Social Media Posts: Automatically analyzes the content of social media posts, which can include text and images.
- Generate Responses: Creates responses that mimic human interaction, limited to 29 characters including spaces and punctuation.
- Edge Runtime: Deployed at the edge for low-latency responses.
- GPT-4 Vision for prompting via text, images, and even frames.
Upon receiving a request, the system:
- Validates the request to ensure it complies with predefined criteria.
- Retrieves the social media post using a unique cast hash.
- Analyzes the post to understand its message and sentiment.
- Generates a text & vision response simultaneously, falling back to text only if the request is over 4 seconds.