
Network issue

shxnpie opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, I keep getting the following error and I'm unable to pinpoint what exactly is causing it. My network is fine, I also checked my firewalls and it all seems fine to me.

2022-03-05 17:49:02.514524 [INFO] Starting Jackett daemon...
Logging to /config/Jackett/Logs/log.txt.
2022-03-05 17:49:03.607951 [INFO] Jackett PID: 192
2022-03-05 17:49:03.627114 [INFO] Started Jackett daemon successfully...
2022-03-05 17:49:03.629511 [INFO] HEALTH_CHECK_HOST is not set. For now using default host
2022-03-05 17:49:03.647379 [INFO] HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL is not set. For now using default interval of 300
2022-03-05 17:49:03.665514 [INFO] HEALTH_CHECK_SILENT is not set. Because this variable is not set, it will be supressed by default
2022-03-05 17:49:03.782117 [ERROR] Network is down, exiting this Docker

I tried setting the "HEALTH_CHECK_HOST" to and it still didn't work even though the ping commands returned no error when I run it from CMD. See here.