
electron: Failed to load URL: chrome-extension://idfgllamndddgpeogaeoaiekkiafajcb/main.html with error: ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT, "Ignoring unauthorized client request from null"

LoganDark opened this issue · 11 comments

(node:29044) electron: Failed to load URL: chrome-extension://idfgllamndddgpeogaeoaiekkiafajcb/main.html with error: ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
(Use `electron --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
[29044:0818/105032.720:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Ignoring unauthorized client request from null", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/models/extensions/extensions.js (1)

I'm not really sure what the issue is here, and since I'm using Electron Forge I can't pass trace-warnings to electron. :(

Is this an incorrect usage of electron-devtools-installer?

app.on('ready', async () => {
	if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
		await install(REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS)


Removing the await install(...) line causes the error to go away, and logging the output of it just prints React Developer Tools, as if the install was successful.

Hi @LoganDark,
did you find a workaround for the problem yet? I'm running into the same error.

Hi @LoganDark, did you find a workaround for the problem yet? I'm running into the same error.

I wish

@pcharisius @LoganDark Try with something like this:

await install(REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS, {
            loadExtensionOptions: {
              allowFileAccess: true
            forceDownload: true

@pcharisius @LoganDark Try with something like this:

await install(REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS, {
            loadExtensionOptions: {
              allowFileAccess: true
            forceDownload: true

At least it gets this far now:

(node:14856) ExtensionLoadWarning: Warnings loading extension at C:\Users\LoganDark\AppData\Roaming\<censored>\extensions\fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi:
  Unrecognized manifest key 'browser_action'.
  Unrecognized manifest key 'minimum_chrome_version'.
  Unrecognized manifest key 'update_url'.
  Cannot load extension with file or directory name _metadata. Filenames starting with "_" are reserved for use by the system.

(Use `electron --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

@LoganDark These mesages are normal, are warnings.
Now you can use react dev tool, if you open dev tools you will see the component tab

@LoganDark These mesages are normal, are warnings.
Now you can use react dev tool, if you open dev tools you will see the component tab

Nope. Every time I open devtools, I get this:

(node:21480) electron: Failed to load URL: chrome-extension://idfgllamndddgpeogaeoaiekkiafajcb/main.html with error: ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
[21480:0121/074655.475:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Ignoring unauthorized client request from null", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/models/extensions/extensions.js (1)

and react devtools doesn't load.

I had that error and it was related to allowFileAccess property.
Are you sure you have updated your code properly?

I had that error and it was related to allowFileAccess property.
Are you sure you have updated your code properly?

Yes, here's the code

		const {default: install, REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS} = require('electron-devtools-installer')
		await install(REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS, {
			loadExtensionOptions: {
				allowFileAccess: true
			forceDownload: true

why are you using require instead import?

Your problem is documented here:

The problem was that I was using a custom session. Since react-devtools-installer doesn't let you choose the session, the custom session wasn't getting the devtools.

Solution was to unset session and partition in webpreferences