Overwatch very dim

TobyMoose opened this issue · 11 comments

The lights on the overwatch profiles are very dim. I loaded up some other games and they are nice and bright but not on over watch. any ideas?

MartB commented

Thats just how overwatch designed their colors.
I suppose the leds on the razer devices are a little brighter with the specific colors they picked.

I have recompiled it with a gamma correction function just to light it up a little more. I will tweak it as I go along but if you want to make it brighter solely in overwatch change convertLedColor in CorsairSDK.cpp to

#define gamma (1.0/1.7)

int addGamma(int color) {
	return (int) (pow(color / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0);

CorsairLedColor CorsairSDK::convertLedColor(const COLORREF& color) {
	CorsairLedColor ledColor;
	ledColor.r = addGamma(GetRValue(color));
	ledColor.g = addGamma(GetGValue(color));
	ledColor.b = addGamma(GetBValue(color));
	ledColor.ledId = CLI_Invalid;

	return ledColor;

Build it in visual studio and put the new exe in the main folder and it should run fine. I need to tweak the gamma functions value but it generally looks nicer for the standard colors and stuff like Lucio and Mercy.

I don't believe this is a feature that warrants being added to the actual version though it could be nice to have a config file for gamma correction.

Also I literally only just started C++ the other day for coding some chips xD Don't judge too harsh but if I'm doing anything wrong with general coding standards feedback would be appreciated.

@TobyMoose if you dont know how to rebuild it you can use this but I personally would suggest editing it yourself and compiling it just so you know what is in it.

Also @MartB the colors seem closer to what are displayed on my deathadder so possibly a gamma function would actually line it up with razer hardware better. Though that could just be this device i have (See photo and video in this link

The main difference you can see is with Moira (In the video the one just before the last which is red)

The changes can be found here

Recompiled Server

MartB commented

@sekwah41 sounds like a plan!
It really seems to look better.

I will implement something like your gamma correction soon. (adjustable through the config)

Code wise it looks fine to me, you could only do some minor optimizations that i personally love doing but they wont matter much haha.

What sort of optimizations would you personally do? I'm curious :)

Edit: for starters i would convert the divide to a multiply, or does it compile into that anyway? I know java that has a performance difference (well slight but its there)

MartB commented

Probably the following:

  • make addGamma static
  • rewrite it so it takes colorref and extracts the color itself giving back r,g,b as reference params.
    (sth like void TRANSFORM_COLORS(const COLORREF& color, int &r, int &g, int &b) where r,g,b is the transformed output)
  • pass the arguments by const reference
  • use c++ style casts instead of (int)
MartB commented

@sekwah41 you can build the latest master and try out what i implemented.
Check for the required config keys.

MartB commented

Heh typo madness sorry for the notification spam!

Its alright, thanks for the info btw :)

Oh good idea with the lookup table, completely passed my mind to do that :)

Hopefully I get to make some fun projects in C++ too, im going to use what youve done to learn some stuff. Anywhere you would suggest has good examples of C++ or any resources to learn a bit faster? I wanna learn some of the standards because pointers and such rather than randomly messing to get stuff working as i dont feel itll have the same effect as trying to learn in java xD

Shouldn't this be closed if it has been implemented?

MartB commented

@sekwah41 you are right, but i wanted to get the original author of the issue to check.
Closing this as this will probably not happen anymore.

Regarding your question about good materials/resources i think learning by doing suits programming/coding best. For the use of (old-school) pointers it should be sufficient to read this page:

If you want a document detailing best practices check out.
(keep in mind that its not a definitive guide to good code)

You can also go ahead and dive into the more theoretical aspects of computer science.
( seems to be a good wip book only gave it a quick glance though.