
Update Facebook API (Sonata)

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Facebook API v2.5 is used in live-broadcast-bundle/Resources/views/Block/facebook_auth.html.twig

This version of the Facebook API is deprecated and should be upgraded to v3.0, changes:

  • API Version in FB.init() (2.5 to 3.0)
  • Calls to /me/admined_groups, these are deprecated (should be /me/groups)
  • Scope user_managed_groups, this is deprecated
  • Scope user_videos, is this needed for live broadcasts?

Fix log-in button which results in an error at the moment.

According to Facebook the 'publish_video' scope is also required:


Requires App Review.

Grants an app permission to publish live and VOD videos to the app User's timeline.

Allowed Usage
Live video streaming to a User's timeline.
VOD video upload to a Users timeline.

hello , what url should i put on the redirect url space in facebook developer app ,