
Does Combine 4 require nightly?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As I am trying to update the requirement to combine@4 in tantivy i hit the following error :

use of unstable library feature 'float_to_from_bytes'
   --> /home/paul/.cargo/registry/src/
468 |                           CommitOk($output_type::from_be_bytes(buffer))
    |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
576 | /     integer_parser!(
577 | |         /// Reads a i32 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
578 | |         ///
579 | |         /// ```
...   |
587 | |         pub F32, f32, be_f32, le_f32, read_f32
588 | |     );
    | |______- in this macro invocation
    = note: for more information, see

Is nightly required now?

No, but it does require 1.40 as float_to_from_bytes was stabilized in that (letting me drop the byteorder dependency). If that is a problem it would be possible to use features to conditionally use bytorder to lower the needed rust version or to conditionally disable this parser.

Thanks for the quick reply.

As you wish. I can also just wait a month or two before updating.