
Windows Subsystem for Android 1.8.32837.0 Support.

adfwhitestar opened this issue · 1 comments

### DISCLAIMER : I understand that WindowsSubsystemForAndroid_1.8.32836.0 is a beta product but though Id ask just incase.

I have been looking at using the new Windows 11 Windows Subsystem for Android as a possible future for getting my app in to more hands.

The one issue that I am finding is that when using MP4Composer in the pipe line to compress and edit the video is not working properly. After the compression the video gets about two frames at the beginning with in the first second of play back and then nothing more visually. Audio is working grate and can be heard through out.
Log from this run can be seen here.

The set up is pretty standard but I have tried all sorts of variations trying to get one to work or at least do something different.

Here are the two videos:

PS sorry I missed the the 'o' in Composer .

This video was created using the MP4Composer sample running on WindowsSubsystemForAndroid_1.8.32836.0
on a Windows 11 Home ver. 10.0.22000

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am also having issue playing any video in exoPlayer from Mp4Composer run on a separate device and that is throwing decoder errors I know that it maybe unrelated but maybe it is all information is helpful

setConfig(0xef1414a0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
ACodec: codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
E/OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xef1414a0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigAndroidVendorExtension(0x6f100004)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)

Thank you in adavance.

If help is needed installing this on a windows 11 pc and the Microsoft Store isn't playing nice there is a guide here
install wsa:

sideload apk:
it's very straight forward if anyone wants to help look at this.

Also if you use adb connect {IP_ADDRESS_OF_WSA} you can use Android Studio like it is an emulator.

Again Thank you in Advance