
Feature Request: Last successful line read

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I had the unfortunate event were my computer rebooted because of a Windows Update while I was in the middle of a cut. It would be helpful to see which line was last successful read. Maybe I could have found it in the log, but I forgot to check before re-starting GC. Since GC reopens the last file & remembers the last location of the router, seems like kind of the same thing to remember. I also noticed when you hit the stop button, it resets the percent complete & line number. Maybe it could still show where it left off when you stop it.

Sooo, depending on how this occurred, you may be getting a false sense of where things are.

The arduino is powered off of the USB. If it loses power in the middle of moving, it is at least slightly out of position. If GC was closed in the process and the machine came to a complete stop before powering down, your position should still be ok.

Additionally, in the communication between GC and the arduino, there is no communication of what line the machine is currently processing. We can guess based on what we sent and where the machine currently is, but this isn't a guarantee. This is true for GRBL as well.

All of this is a long winded way of saying I don't think this is possible nor recommended. Crashing and reboots should be avoided at all costs. If it happens, unless you are certain that the machine came to a complete stop before the loss of power, I would recommend at least a chain-recalibration and then step through the gcode file until you get to about the place you should be and restart the cut from there.