
Both `request` and `response` methods fail to support external redirects inside controller

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Wishing you the best wishes Joe Mancuso with your Cancer battle!

Describe the bug

This needed feature is not documented.


It gets stuck in redirecting

Expected behaviour

The following code should successfully redirect to the external url.

from masonite.views import View
from masonite.controllers import Controller
from masonite.request import Request
from masonite.response import Response

class SubmissionController(Controller):
    def show(self, request: Request, response: Response):
        response.header('Cache-Control', "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate")
        return response.redirect(f'')



OS version

Ubuntu 22.04

Masonite Version


As a point of reference using the Flask framework this is as easy as

from flask import redirect

def redirect_wrapper(outgoing_url):
  response = redirect(location="o/"+outgoing_url, code=307)
  response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
  return response

@eaguad1337 is this something you can replicate? i couldnt

@gabefair what browser was this? chrome right?

@josephmancuso I confirm this is a bug. I can't confirm why yet but the Location Header is not being set right in line 183.

if location:
    location = add_query_params(location, query_params)
    self.header_bag.add(Header("Location", location))

For any reason, the location var is being emptied and the Location header is being set to an empty string.

I am trying to figure it out to fix it.

@josephmancuso the error is in, the method add_query_params should return a full url and append query params but it does return only the path.

location = add_query_params(location, query_params)

def add_query_params(url: str, query_params: dict) -> str:
    """Add query params dict to a given url (which can already contain some query parameters)."""
    path_result = parse.urlsplit(url)

    base_url = path_result.path // This is the problem, it uses the path but never concatenates with the domain / host.

    # parse existing query parameters if any
    existing_query_params = dict(parse.parse_qsl(path_result.query))
    all_query_params = {**existing_query_params, **query_params}

    # add query parameters to url if any
    if all_query_params:
        base_url += "?" + parse.urlencode(all_query_params)

    return base_url

See my comment above. In theory, it should be enough concatenating the real base url with the path.