
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


	Machine Learning ML - MIT

	Prediction: ML And Statistics - MIT

	Machine Learning (CS229) -  Andrew Ng, Ron Dror/ Stanford University

	Machine Learning Crash Course - UC Berkeley 

	Deep Learning (Book) - Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville

	Foundations of Data Science (Book) - Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, Ravi Kannan

	Foundations of Data Science - Microsoft Videos Lectures 

		L-1: Foundations of Data Science

		L-2: Foundations of Data Science
		L-3: Foundations of Data Science
		L-4: Foundations of Data Science
		L-5: Foundations of Data Science: Length Squared Sampling in Matrices
		L-6: Foundations of Data Science: Singular Value Decomposition – I
		L-7: Foundations of Data Science: Singular Value Decomposition – II

		L-8: Foundations of Data Science: Low Rank Approximation (LRA) via Length Squared Sampling

		L-9: Foundations of Data Science: Two Applications of SVD

	ML/ AI in Java

		Artificial Intelligence I: Basics And Games In Java - Udemy/ Holczer Balazs

		Artificial Intelligence Ii: Neural Networks In Java- Udemy/ Holczer Balazs

		Artificial Intelligence Iii - Deep Learning In Java - Holczer Balazs/udemy

		Artificial Intelligence Iv - Reinforcement Learning In Java - Holczer Balazs/udemy

		Search Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence with Java - Udemy

		IntrodUCtion To Numerical Methods In Java - Udemy/ Holczer Balazs

	Intro to ML - Udacity

	Machine Learning - Andrew Ng/ Coursera 

		Linear Regression with One Variable
		Linear Algebra Review
		Linear Regression with Multiple Variables
		Octave/Matlab Tutorial
		Logistic Regression
		Neural Networks: Representation
		Neural Networks: Learning
		Advice for Applying Machine Learning
		Machine Learning System Design
		Support Vector Machines
		Unsupervised Learning
		Dimensionality Reduction
		Anomaly Detection
		Recommender Systems
		Large Scale Machine Learning
		Application Example: Photo OCR

	Foundations Of Machine Learning/ Bloomberg

		1. Black Box Machine Learning

		2. Case Study: Churn Prediction

		3. IntrodUCtion To Statistical Learning Theory

		4. Stochastic Gradient Descent

		5. Excess Risk Decomposition

		6. L1 And L2 Regularization

		7. Lasso, Ridge, And Elastic Net

		8. Loss Functions For Regression And Classification

		9. Lagrangian Duality And Convex Optimization

		10. Support Vector Machines

		11. Subgradient Descent

		12. Feature Extraction

		13. Kernel Methods

		14. Performance Evaluation

		15. "Citysense": Probabilistic Modeling For Unusual Behavior Detection

		16. Maximum Likelihood Estimation

		17. Conditional Probability Models

		18. Bayesian Methods

		19. Bayesian Conditional Probability Models

		20. Classification And Regression Trees

		21. Basic Statistics And A Bit Of Bootstrap

		22. Bagging And Random Forests

		23. Gradient Boosting

		24. Multiclass And IntrodUCtion To StrUCtured Prediction

		25. K-Means Clustering

		26. Gaussian Mixture Models

		27. EM Algorithm For Latent Variable Models

		28. Neural Networks

		29. Backpropagation And The ChAIn Rule

		30. Next Steps

	CPP Conference 2017: Tour Of Deep Learning With C++ - Peter Goldsborough/ Youtube

	Machine Learning In Java - Bostjan Kaluza/ Packt

	Natural Language Processing With Java -  Richard M. Reese/ Packt 

	Lazy Programmer Inc - Udemy 

		The Numpy Stack In Python - Udemy 

		Linear Regression In Python - Udemy 

		Logistic Regression In Python - Udemy 

		Modern Deep Learning In Python - Udemy 

		Deep Learning In Python (D-1)- Udemy 

		Practical Deep Learning In Theano And Tensorflow (D-2) - Udemy 

		Convolutional Neural Networks In Theano And Tensorflow (D-3)- Udemy 

		Unsupervised Deep Learning In Python (D-4)- Udemy 

		Recurrent Neural Networks In Python (D-5)- Udemy 

		Easy Natural Language Processing In Python - Udemy 

		Advanced Natural Language Processing In Python (D-6)- Udemy 

		Support Vector Machines in Python - Udemy

		Advanced Computer Vision - Udemy 

		Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning In Python - Udemy 

		Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning In Python - Udemy

		Cutting-Edge AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python - Udemy 

		Deep Learning: Advanced NLP And RNNs - Udemy

		Deep Learning: GANs And Variational Auto-encoders - Udemy

		Data Science: Supervised Machiene Learnirng In Python - Udemy 

		Cluster Analysis And Unsupervised Machine Learning In Python - Udemy 

		Unsupervised Machien Learning: Hidden Markov Models In Python - Udemy 

		Bayesian Machien Learning In Python: A/b Testing - Udemy 

		Ensemble Machine Learning In Python: Random Forest And Adaboost - Udemy 

		Recommender Systems And Deep Learning In Python - Udemy 

		Machine Learning and AI: Support Vector Machines in Python - Udemy 

	Numpy - Scipy Lecture Notes

	Pandas/ Data Wrangling - Chris Albon Notes 

	Reinforcement Learning  - Udacity

	Udacity Nanodegree

		Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree - Udacity

		Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree - Udacity

		Machine Learning Nanodegree - Udacity

		Predictive Analytics for Business - Udacity

	UC Berkley/ Stanford Courses 

		Machine Learning (CS229) -  Andrew Ng, Ron Dror/ Stanford University

		Reinforcement Learning  - David Silver, UCL/Youtube 

		Deep Reinforcement Learning - Sergey Levine/UC Berkeley

		Designing, Visualizing And Understanding Deep Learning Network - University Of California, Berkeley 

		Unsupervised Feature Learning And Deep Learning - Stanford University 

		Intro To NLP - Dan Jurafsky And Christopher Manning/ Stanford University

		Deep Learning For Natural Language Processing - Stanford University

	Recommender Systems Specialization - University of Minnesota

		Introduction to Recommender Systems: Non-Personalized and Content-Based

		Nearest Neighbor Collaborative Filtering

		Recommender Systems: Evaluation and Metrics

		Matrix Factorization and Advanced Techniques

		Recommender Systems Capstone

	Deep Learning Specialization - Andrew Ng/ Coursera 

		Neural Networks And Deep Learning - Coursera 

		Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization 
		And Optimization - Coursera 

		Structuring Machine Learning Projects - Coursera 

		Convolutional Neural Networks - Coursera 

		Sequence Models - Coursera 

	Weka Framework

		Data Mining With Weka - Future Learn/ Prof Ian H. Witten 

		Advanced Data Mining With Weka  - Future Learn/ Prof Ian H. Witten 

		More Data Mining With Weka - Future Learn/ Prof Ian H. Witten 

	Machile Learning Crush Curse - Google 

	Probabilistic Graphical Models Specialization 

		Probabilistic Graphical Models I: Representation - Stanford University 

		Probabilistic Graphical Models Ii: Inference - Stanford University 

		Probabilistic Graphical Models Iii: Learning - Stanford University 
Zoo of NN
figure: Zoo of NN

	Bloomberg Mathematics Recommendation  

		Carlos Fernandez-granda's Mathematics Lecture Notes

		Mathematics For Machine Learning -  Garrett Thomas/ UC Berkeley

		Linear Algebra Review And Reference - Zico Kolter 

		Review Of Probability Theory - Arian Maleki, Tom Do/ Stanford University

		Mathematics Of Machine Learning - MIT 

	Stanford Mathematics Recommendation

		Linear Algebra Review and Reference - Zico Kolter

		Probability Theory Review for Machine Learning - Samuel Ieong

		Convex Optimization Overview  I - Zico Kolter

		Convex Optimization Overview  II - Chuong B. Do

		Hidden Markov Models Fundamentals - Daniel Ramage

		Gaussian processes - Chuong B. Do

	Matrix Calculus - ExplAIned.AI

	Numerical Linear Algebra (LA) - Princeton University 

	Mathematics For RL - Lpalmieri.com 

	Intro To Probability And Statistics - MIT

	Linear Algebra - MIT

	Single Variable Calculus - MIT

	Multi-variable Calculus - MIT

	Differential Equations - MIT

	Mathematics Of Machine Learning - MIT

	Statistical Learning Theory - MIT

	Statistical Learning Theory - UC Berkley 

	Math Background For ML Series - Geoff Gordon/ Carnegie Mellon University, CMU Youtube 

	ML Mathematics Videos Videos (Visualization Purpsoe) - 3-Blue-1-Brown/ Youtube Videos 

	Coding The Matrix: Linear Algebra Through Computer Science Application - Brown University/ Philip Klein

	Seeing Theory - Brown University [https://seeing-theory.brown.edu/]

	Topics In Mathematics With Applications In Finance - MIT 

	Analytics Of Finance I & II - MIT 

	Investment - MIT



	Machine Learning For Trading - Udacity

	Computational Investing - Coursera 

	Classification-Based Machine Learning for Finance - Udemy

	Stock Technical Analysis with Python - Udemy 

	Business Statistics with Python - Udemy 

	Stock Technical Analysis with Excel - Udemy

	Stock Fundamental Analysis with Excel - Udemy

	Forecasting Models with Excel - Udemy 

	Quantitative Finance & Algorithmic Trading I  - Holczer Balazs/ Udemy

	Quantitative Finance & Algorithmic Trading Ii - Holczer Balazs/ Udemy

	Pricing Options With Mathematical Models - Caltech/ Edx 

	ML/ Reinforcement Learning In Finance Specialization - NYU/ Coursera

		Guided Tour Of Machine Learning In Finance - NYU/ Coursera

		Fundamentals Of Machine Learning In Finance - NYU/ Coursera

		Reinforcement Learning In Finance - NYU/ Coursera

		Overview Of Advanced Methods Of Reinforcement Learning In Finance - NYU/ Coursera

	Artificial Intelligence For Trading Nanodegree - Udacity

		Term I: Quantitative Trading

			P-I:   Term I: Quantitative Trading
			P-II:  Basic Quantitative Trading
			P-III: Advanced Quantitative Trading
			P-IV:  Stocks, Indices, and ETFs
			P-V:   Multi-factor models

		Term II: AI Algorithms in Trading

			P-I:   Sentiment Analysis with Natural Language Processing
			P-II:  Advanced Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
			P-III: Simulating Trades with Historical Data
			P-IV:  Combining Multiple Signals

	Quantopian - Education For The Quantitative Finance


	Deep Learning - Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville

	Foundations of Data Science - Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, Ravi Kannan

	Bayesian Methods For Hackers: Probabilistic Programming - Cameron Davidson-pilon

	Advances in Financial Machine Learning -  Marcos Lopez de Prado

	An Introduction to Quantitative Finance - Stephen Blyth

	Dynamic Hedging: Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options - Nassim Taleb

	The Physics of Wall Street: A Brief History of Predicting the Unpredictable  - James Owen Weatherall

	Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets - Nassim Taleb 


	Papers with code - <https://paperswithcode.com/>