
Linker settings in VS Community 2015 not complete

elburz opened this issue · 0 comments

Using the oF 0.9.1 VS 2015 Community plugin that generates projects, it seems like none of the Linker properties to the ofxSpout add-on folder, or the Spout32.lib are getting added. Which leads to build errors LNK2019 about unresolved external symbols.

The fix at the moment was to go to the solution's property pages, and in Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories, I copied and pasted the additional paths found in the C/C++ -> Additional Include Directories option. Then in Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies I added ";Spout32.lib".

Win 7 64-bit
VS Community 2015 version 14.0.24720.00 Update 1
oF 0.9.1