- 0
Broken code for strict mode is generated
#71 opened by Katarn - 3
`for await` is not supported to be transformed
#70 opened by JounQin - 0
async/await with for...of cannot work
#69 opened by Otobelikethee - 0
- 4
Babel 7 "useRuntimeModule"
#65 opened by rkumorek - 2
- 1
Babel 7 version ignoring options?
#62 opened by verydanny - 1
Babel 6/Webpack 3 Module build failed: ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "fast-async"
#66 opened by AndyOGo - 2
Babel 7 code should use @babel/parser
#64 opened by stof - 4
incorrect code when this is used in async function
#61 opened by sormy - 1
- 2
"await is a reserved word"
#60 opened by IngwiePhoenix - 5
Cannot await non-Promises.
#59 opened by AndrewSouthpaw - 2
- 9
- 13
- 15
- 6
- 16
Await inside for loop does not work
#13 opened by Rush - 2
- 1
SyntaxError: Strict mode does not allow function declarations in a lexically nested statement
#49 opened by Cweili - 47
- 12
Promise is undefined
#47 opened by z-vr - 2
await on literal value causes error
#45 opened by otakustay - 4
Use Promise from babel-transform-runtime?
#44 opened by trusktr - 2
try/finally not working?
#43 opened by djMax - 5
- 5
- 7
Losing const
#40 opened by reconbot - 6
- 2
- 10
Strict mode transformation bug on IOS
#30 opened by Morkowski - 2
About a webpack warning: Duplicate declaration
#37 opened by cycold - 14
Destructuring still broken?
#35 opened by djMax - 2
- 9
- 7
- 6
- 7
How to create Bluebird promises from async functions
#29 opened by Rush - 7
Does this work with babel-preset-es2017?
#28 opened by nikolay - 9
- 2
Plugin breaks since babel-core 6.16
#25 opened by ephemer - 1
- 2
Await above for...of causes compilation error
#22 opened by STRML - 8
6.1.1: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
#19 opened by gfortaine - 1
Crashes if compiler options are missing
#18 opened by nightwolfz - 3
Runtime included when not needed
#16 opened by SimonDegraeve - 5
Runtime as module
#15 opened by SimonDegraeve - 7
Issues with source maps
#14 opened by Rush - 2
Cannot append Element node to non-array
#12 opened by dessaya