
能否支持树莓派5(Raspberry PI 5 is supported)

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能否支持树莓派5(Raspberry PI 5 is supported)

Not tested, but I see no reason why it should not work. RPi5 has more RAM and faster CPU, other things are basically the same.

未经测试,但我认为没有理由它不能工作。RPi5 拥有更多 RAM 和更快的 CPU,其他方面基本相同。

hi @MatejKovacic , I downloaded raspbx-10-10-2020, and after I burned it, it started with an error, I don't know what to do

Ah, I see. I would need to update Raspbian. Unfortunately I don't have much time.

You can try build your own image with the tool published here:

But be aware, people running that site are real jerks and if you post a question the will likely ban your IP. Just a friendly warning. :)

啊,我明白了。我需要更新 Raspbian。不幸的是我没有太多时间。


但请注意,运营该网站的人是真正的混蛋,如果你发布问题,他们可能会禁止你的 IP。只是一个友好的警告。:)

Thank you very much for your reply. I will try it. Thanks again