
Feedback/Suggestions: (feat: File Viewing)

DarkCrypt opened this issue · 2 comments

Referencing to PR #29.


Double tap to show/hide ui

  • Remove: Unnecessary feature. This can also be a pain for users if they attempt to select individual lines too quickly.

Selecting lines

  • Add: Single press within a selection to deselect.

Pinch to zoom in/out

  • Needs to be more responsive with text files. Images zoom perfectly.

Toolbar Options

  • Add: Download any file. (Not just certain ones).
  • Add: Wrap lines.
  • Add: File history.
  • Add: Print option.
  • Add: Text search within a file.
  • Add: Open in browser. (Share function can already achieve same result).
wingio commented

Im not gonna remove double tap to hide ui, but i could make it something you have to enable

Zooming with text just works differently, doing the same kind of zoom that images use negatively effected scrolling

Unfortunately i couldn't retrieve any link to a raw file for text/md, so downloading isn't an option rn

The rest are already planned but i just wanted to do in a separate pr

Understood. Closing.