
Theorem environment support

dualer opened this issue · 10 comments

Can you add some native supports for theorem enviroment? E.g.,



@dualer thank you for your suggestion. We will add it soon.

Thank you for mentioning that @dualer

When will it be added into this extension?

@dualer it will be added in the next 24 hours (probably less than in 3 hours).

When will it be added into this extension?

This has just been updated
Screen Shot 2022-12-27 at 20 08 46

In the latest version, i.e. v0.1.5, this function no longer works.

@dualer I've just tested it - everything is working correctly:

Screen Shot 2023-02-21 at 06 36 53

ezgif com-video-to-gif

Did you reload window after install extension?

Screen Shot 2023-02-21 at 06 42 19

@OlgaRedozubova I have done what you say, but it still doesn't work.

@dualer I tested it on different devices and it works for me.
What version of vsCode are you using?
Are there any additional extensions installed for you?
Could you share md content with me that doesn't work for you?