
How to train TEMOS on other datasets?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, thank you very much for providing such an excellent project.
TEMOS was trained on the KIT-ML dataset, but this dataset is too small. I would like to ask how to train TEMOS on other datasets? For example, the BABEL dataset and the HumanML3D dataset.
Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

Mathux commented

Hello @fyyakaxyy,

I am about to release the full code of TMR, where I took the opportunity to rewrite TEMOS. The code will be way easier to follow, it will train x2 faster (the text embeddings are precomputed) and will be compatible with KIT-ML, HumanML3D and BABEL datasets.

I should release all this next week, I will let you know.

Thank you for your answer. I will continue to follow your work!