
how to accelerate render speed when using long sequences with blender

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Hi, thanks for your great work. @Mathux

I tried to visualize amass annotations using Blender. I wonder if it is possible to render a long sequence of SMPL-X annotations parallelly to accelerate the rendering speed.

I am not very familiar with the blender. Could you give me some hints on how to rewrite some code to accelerate the process?

Hi @YongtaoGe,

I am not a specialist of Blender either but I can try to help.
It is indeed possible to launch several instances of blender in parallel.
If you want to render 1000 frames, you may launch 4 process and render 250 frames each.

So what I would do is to change this file:
and add a if condition:

if not start <= index < end: 

(you still need to load the previous things, to be sure to have a consistent camera)