
About rendering on a Windows system

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi dear authors,
I would like to start by saying thank you for your amazing work.

I tried rendering in my Windows system the way you wrote it, but it didn't work.
I can not Install those packages in the python environnement of blender.

like "defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable"

Hi ,
Thank you for your great contribution in this field. I have "No module named 'omegaconf' when i run , however, the 'omegaconf' is in my environment . Can you help me ?

Hi , Thank you for your great contribution in this field. I have "No module named 'omegaconf' when i run , however, the 'omegaconf' is in my environment . Can you help me ? "

Hello, I have also encountered this problem. Have you resolved it?

Hello all,

Sorry for the delay, I don't have a Windows machine so I cannot reproduce the error myself. Did anyone succeed at the end?

@fyyakaxyy @HappyPiepie
hello, i have solved this problem in the following instruction: if you install package without a specific address such as:
/path/to/blender/python -m pip install --user numpy --target=.\lib\site-packages

this package will be installed default in the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Pythonxx\site-packages.

so in the begin of script, adding
sys.path.insert(0, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Pythonxx\site-packages)
can solve it.

@TLDX-XIONG Can you expand a little bit on what you mean by "add to the beginning of the script". What script are you refering to? If you can clarify a little on what you mean exactly, that would be very helpful.